The Revolution Will Be Live-Tweeted

You will not be able to log out, brother.
You will not be able to turn on, log in, and lurk.
You will not be able to lose yourself off-grid or
Block the ads from your feed,
Because the revolution will be live-tweeted.

The revolution will be live-tweeted.
The revolution will not be brought to you by credible
Unbiased or accountable journalists.
The revolution will not show you both sides
All sides or points in-between,
Nuance, uncertainty, clarity or fact.
Citations will be needed.
The revolution will be live-tweeted.

The revolution will be brought to you by
Algorithms grown from the regurgitated output
Of hate with traction, and outrage with likes.
The revolution will not gain the impressions you expect
The revolution will not respect your privacy
The revolution will re-tweet your lunch
Because the revolution will be live-tweeted, Brother.

There will be pictures of your face tagged by your friends
Which you can delete, if you can find that option,
But which will already have been used
To train AI’s, and to add to the 50,000
Datapoints that already identify you.
The revolution will be live-tweeted.

Do you accept the Terms and Conditions?
Scroll down for more.
Do you accept the Terms and Conditions?
Scroll down for more.
Click to accept the Terms and Conditions.
Click to submit your data in perpetuity.
Click to submit your friends’ data in perpetuity.
Click to subscribe in perpetuity.
The revolution will be supported by these razors,
By those beers, by that webhost.

The revolution will be controlled by
Four globally powerful organisations.
The revolution will be controlled by
Three globally powerful organisations.
The revolution will be controlled by
Two globally powerful organisations.
The revolution will be controlled by
One globally powerful organisation.
The revolution will be live-tweeted.

There will be no comments from users who are not
Paid-for, bad actors, or bot-farms.
The revolution will not sort by New.
The revolution will not respect your request to unsubscribe.
The revolution will deprecate your free subscription and
Bury your options behind forty clicks in pale text.
The revolution will continue in thirty seconds…

The revolution will be live-tweeted.
The revolution will be trending.
The revolution will distract you with in-app purchases.
The revolution will sell you things that you cannot own.
The revolution will not need your name to know who you are.
The revolution will know you better than you know yourself.
The revolution will own your industry with no assets.

The revolution will be live-tweeted, will be live-tweeted
will be live-tweeted, will be live-tweeted.
The revolution will be live-tweeted, Brothers.
The Revolution will be live.