A few more sign language trial images…
Having had a judge say to me “I’d have replaced the sky in this image” for this Parkrun picture, I’ve had a go here. It makes me feel nauseous. Which is why I’ve not bothered masking it properly.
BSL Test
I’m seeing these as a triptych horizontally, but the internet is vertical…
Another infra-red experiment.
Sun Bowl
Day 243 - At Last They Accept Me As One Of Their Own
Much higher resolution version available HERE (Google Photos).
Pit Stairs
The stairs leading to the Pit theatre in the Barbican. Actually a single image of the stairs reflected in mirrors, but I added dividing lines.
Blue Tit
Photo for the sake of taking a photo. But it IS cute. So here.
Freezing Fog
This is the orientation I want, but it’s not cutting it somehow. I’d like to put a warp on the ground to curve it a bit, but can’t do it without destroying the telescope.
Caxton Gibbet
IR filtered for drama