Salon du Thé

Hmm. Why when I upload from a phone does it remove all the phone-based edits I am so ashamed of but nevertheless want to keep….?

Saint Malo.

Macro and Close Up - Print - 16-3-2023

Goodness me! While I was away I came first and second in the Royston Photographic Society Macro and Close Up Print competition.

Local Maximum | 20/20 | First place

World Peace | 20/20 | Second place

In-camera baby!

Heliocentric | 20/20 | Highly Commended

There were far fewer entries than usual but nevertheless I am feeling pleased with myself.

+++ UPDATE +++

Blimey! I scored 20/20 for both of these, and for Heliocentric - which was Highly Commended. a) I notice it was a very highly scored competition, b) I am on fire nevertheless.

Judge: Ken Payne