Oil and Water Experiment 2

Attempt two. Baby oil rather than olive (not a lot of difference.) Best idea is using an iPad for background rather than lighting objects. Also, more generous depth of field. Then - process the shit out of them. Hmm. Main lesson is there’s FAR less control than I imagined.

Oil and Water Experiment 1

Well THIS is much more complicated than it looks! You CANNOT have any muck in your glass dish. It’s hard to get the camera level with the water. It’s difficult to focus. If it’s on the floor (because a lot of water is heavy) it’s hard on the back. There are significant variables in sort of oil, quantity of oil, use of washing-up liquid. Lighting it is difficult. Wow. Will keep trying. Probably.

Open - PDI - 27-4-2023

A lower-scored competition than last time, I think, making me somewhat prouder of these non-winners than of last time’s wins. Somewhat.

Judge - Nick Bowman

Rubha Hanish | 19/20 | Commended

Piscine II | 19/20 | Commended

I loved your swimming pool photo on Thursday Jim. I'd have had it as my winner. I took the judges point about the swimmer being further to the left but if you had taken it then the yacht wouldn't have been in the other space - so he still wouldn't have been happy.

Best wishes, Peter Baker

Rue Saint Vincent | 18/20

On Piscine II the judge correctly pointed out that having the swimmer in the left-side window would balance better with the boat. He’s right, of course.

Rue Saint Vincent was taken on my phone coming out of a restaurant after a day of lugging around an R5 and three lenses in a backpack…..

Not A Dandelion

A multiple exposure (2-shot) of a close-up dandelion and a medium something-else.

Not that anybody should be particularly taken by it, but I am interested in the way this enables a sort of exposure masking using a MultEx shot as the mask.

Salon du Thé

Hmm. Why when I upload from a phone does it remove all the phone-based edits I am so ashamed of but nevertheless want to keep….?

Saint Malo.