Henry Moore Garden #3

RPS trip to HMG trying to encourage people to shoot more freely and to learn form the results, leaning into accident, and so on.

Seizing the opportunity, but also fiddling with the Fuji partial-colour feature.

Reclining figure. This kid just tumbled into shot and posed. Thanks kid.

“Miniature” filter.

An image taken for an abandoned multiple exposure.

Snetterton - Bennetts British Superbike Championship

Had a go at panning for speed, among other things. Click for full size.


Revisited the Henry Moores and took lots of raw material pictures for future projects. But also these.

Clacton | Gallery

Blew the highlights, lost the shadows, embraced the noise, welcomed the vignette. Who needs judge approval…?

Fitzwilliam Museum

Experimenting while very much not being in the horrible environment of the William Blake exhibition upstairs.

These are all processed through Nik Silver Efex - Full Spectrum (Harsh) - with some increase in texture where necessary to create a crisp black and white image, then creating a second image in full colour but gaussian blurred by 80%, layering the B&W above the colour images and then changing the B&W layer blend mode to Overlay/Multiply/Hard Light - whatever had the desired effect.

I realise now I’ve spelt it out that I’ve accidentally invented frequency separation, and then taken it to extremes. Nevertheless I like it.

This last one was the best part of the William Blake exhibition. The rooms went from total dark blue, through green, this red-to-orange room, and then yellow. The idea was nice, but the cramped dark first room just made me feel extra neurodivergent so I had to leave.